
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a very popular culinary herb native to Central Africa and Southeast Asia. It is great fresh or cooked and is easy to grow. There are many different varieties of Basil but the most popular are Sweet Basil and Thai Basil. They are an annual and are very cold sensitive. Basil can be planted outdoors in a pot, in a garden/flower bed, or grown indoors in a pot. Depending on the variety, they can grow 12-14 inches tall and the flower attract bees and butterflies.


Light: 6 hours of sunlight MINIMUM. If growing outdoors, give it morning sun and protect it from hot afternoon sun. Indoors keep it in a South or West facing window and supplement it with a grow light or fluorescent. Be sure to move it away from cold windows at night.

Water: Water when the top of the soil is dry to the touch; be sure to water at the base and avoid getting the leaves wet. Water slowly and evenly; discard excess. It is vital for herbs to have adequate drainage as their roots are water sensitive. ONLY PLANT IN THE GROUND OR A POT WITH DRAINAGE HOLES.

Potting Mix: Well draining All Purpose or Garden potting mix.

Toxicity: Edible for cats, dogs and humans.

Fertilize: Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks.

Additional Care: Harvest before flowering occurs as this changes the flavor of the leaves. To use, snip the growth off above where 2 large leaves meet. The new top leaves are the most tender. Regular clipping keeps basil bushier and less leggy. Basil is a wonderful mosquito deterrent.
