Lemon Button Fern

The dainty Lemon Button Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia “Duffii”) is the smallest variety of the Boston Fern. It grows to a maximum size of 1 foot by 1 foot. This fern is native to Asia, Australia, the West Indies, Florida and Central to South America. It is one of the easier ferns to care for and is perfect for terrariums. The fronds have small rounded leaflets (buttons) and when handled or crushed they release a lemony scent, hence the name Lemon Button.

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AKA: Ladder Fern, Button Sword Fern, Fishbone Fern

Light: Medium to bright indirect light. Direct light can burn the plant.

Watering: Keep the soil evenly most but not soggy. Allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out maximum before watering. Water slowly and evenly until water comes out of the drainage holes; discard excess.

Humidity: Tolerates medium humidity but thrives in high humidity. Add humidity with a pebble tray, group plants, use a humidifier, place in a kitchen or bathroom, or plant in a terrarium.

Toxicity: Non-toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Rich and well-draining but also able to hold moisture.

Additional Care: Yellow and wilting fronds indicates watering too frequently. Brown leaf tips indicate low humidity. Prune/pinch new growth to maintain size and keep the plant bushy and full.
