Money Tree

The Money Tree (Pachira aquatica) is a very popular plant in feng shui as it is thought to create positive energy and bring the owner good luck and good fortune. It is also a popular home or office plant for its easy care. A slow grower, it’s happy in a small pot making it perfect for bonsai. The Money Tree is native to Central and South America where it grows in tropical wetland swamps. Outdoors it can reach 50-60 feet tall; indoors it can reach 6-8 feet tall. It is usually sold with a braided trunk and the leaves are bright green and made up of 5-7 leaflets.

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AKA: Guiana Chestnut, Malabar Chestnut, Money Plant, Good Luck Tree, Pachira glabra

Light: Tolerates low light but will do best in medium to bright indirect light. East window or fluorescent lighting.

Watering: Allow the top 1-2 inches of soils to dry before watering. Keep it evenly moist but not soggy. Water slowly and evenly until the water drains out the bottom; discard excess.

Humidity: Average home humidity to high.

Toxicity: Non-toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Well-draining, nutrient rich soil.

Additional Care: This plant is very susceptible to root rot. A drainage hole and fast draining soil are important to keep the roots from sitting in water.

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