Pilea Peperomioides

The Pilea peperomioides is a succulent native to southern China. It can grow indoors up to 12 inches tall and wide with 4 inch diameter leaves. The leaves are dark green round and come off of the stem on a long petiole (stalk). This is also a great self-propagator. It will produce “pups” on its own as it grows. They sprout up from the soil around the mother plant and are easily separated and moved to their own pot.

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AKA: Chinese Money Plant, Pancake Plant, UFO Plant

Light: Bright direct light but tolerates medium to bright indirect light. If the leaves begin to burn give it direct morning light but protect it from direct afternoon light as it is hotter and harsher.

Watering: Allow the top 2-3 inches of soil to dry out between waterings. The leaves will usually start to droop when it needs a drink. Water slowly and evenly until it comes out of the drainage hole; discard excess to prevent root rot. With brighter and more direct light, you’ll need to up the watering frequency.

Humidity: Not particularly sensitive to humidity but it will enjoy a morning mist every once in a while.

Toxicity: Non-toxic to pets and humans.

Potting Mix: Well draining and porous; cactus/succulent mix.

Additional Care: This plant is very fast growing and can easily grow lopsided as the leaves lean towards the sun. To encourage even growth, rotate the plant 2-3 times a week.

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