Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) is an easily recognized plant and has long been used medicinally to treat burns. It is a succulent with thick fleshy grey/green leaves. Each leaf has a serrated edge with small white teeth. Aloe can grow up to 2 feet indoors depending on the variety. It originates from the Arabian Peninsula but has since become naturalized throughout the world. Aloe Vera is a beautiful indoor plant and easily cared for.


AKA: Aloe, Burn Aloe, Medicinal Aloe, First Aid Plant

Light: Bright indirect to direct light like a west or south window. Too little light will cause the plant to become leggy.

Watering: Allow the soil to dry completely before watering. Water slowly and evenly until water comes out the drainage hole; discard excess.

Humidity: Normal to dry air.

Toxicity: Harmful to cats, dogs and humans if ingested. It is safe for humans to use topically to soothe burns and dry skin.

Potting Mix: It should be loose, porous, fast drying and fast draining.

Additional Care: Aloe sends out offshoots (pups) which can be separated and potted. It will bloom with enough light but it can be difficult indoors. Use fast draining soil and increase watering frequency with increased light. Decrease watering frequency in winter when the plant goes dormant.
