Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) is sure to bring a jungle feel to any space. It is named after its large blooms that resemble a birds head and beak. It’s native to South Africa and indoors can reach a height of 3-6 feet with a 2-3 foot spread. The leaves are similar to its cousin’s, the banana, with their paddle shape and 12-18 inch length. A very tropical plant, it is easily cared for indoors.


AKA: Crane Flower

Light: Medium to bright high indirect and direct light. Requires 6-8 hours of bright light per day.

Watering: Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry. Water slowly and evenly until water comes out of the drainage hole; discard excess. Keep it moist but not soggy.

Humidity: Normal room humidity to high humidity. Mist in the morning.

Toxicity: Mildly toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Fertile and well draining.

Additional Care: Keep it warm and away from drafts. Split leaves are normal. Prefers to be pot bound: 3-4’ tall plant in a 10” pot, 5-7’ tall plant in a 14” pot. It rarely will bloom indoors.
