Rosso Peperomia

The Rosso Peperomia (Peperomia caperata ‘Rosso’) is native to Central and South America. Indoors it will only reach 8 inches tall and wide making it perfect for a desk or smaller space. The leaves are pointed and grow on pink colored stems. The underside of the leaves is a brilliant red while the top is green with dark green veins. The blooms are thin cream colored and grow on pink stems. This is a beautiful and easy-care plant for anyone.


AKA: Radiator Plant, Peperomia ‘Eden Rosso’

Light: low light tolerant but it prefers medium to bright indirect

Water: allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry out before watering. Water slowly and evenly until water comes out of the drainage holes; discard excess to avoid root rot.

Humidity: average home humidity to high humidity

Toxicity: non-toxic to cats, dogs and humans

Potting: Mix: fast draining

Additional Care: Can become leggy if it doesn’t receive enough light. Try not to get the leaves wet by bottom watering it. Prune it to maintain shape as well as encourage growth. Prefers to be slightly pot bound.
